In our fast-paced digital world, having a reliable and speedy Internet connection is a must. Whether you're streaming movies, participating in video calls, gaming, or working from home, a top-notch Internet connection makes all the difference.If you're new to fiber Internet or just curious about your connection speed, this guide is for you.Let’s break down what Internet speed tests are and why they matter.

What is an Internet Speed Test?

Think of an Internet speed test as a health check-up for your Internet connection. It measures how quickly data travels from the Internet to your device (download speed) and from your device to the Internet (upload speed). It also checks the time it takes for data to travel back and forth (latency or ping).

Key Terms Explained

  1. Download Speed: This is how fast you can pull data from the Internet to your device, measured in megabits per second (Mbps). The higher the number, the faster you can stream videos, browse websites, and download files.
  2. Upload Speed: This is how fast you can send data from your device to the Internet, also measured in Mbps. It’s important for activities like video calls, uploading photos, and sending emails.
  3. Latency (Ping): This measures the delay before data starts moving, measured in milliseconds (ms). Lower latency means a more responsive connection, which is crucial for online gaming and video calls.
  4. Jitter: This is the variation in latency over time. Consistent speeds are best for smooth experiences during video calls and streaming.

Why Run a Speed Test?

Running a speed test helps you understand if you're getting the speeds you’re paying for. It also helps identify any issues that might be slowing down your connection. With our fiber Internet offering speeds up to a blazing 8 Gbps, you'll want to make sure you're maximizing your experience.

How to Run a Speed Test

Running a speed test is easy and only takes a few minutes. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Choose a Speed Test Tool:Popular options include Speedtest by Ookla,, and Google’s speed test. These tools are free and easy to use.
    1. If you are a Pavlov customer you can download the
      Pavlov Media Mobile Center App to run your speed test.
  2. Connect Directly:For the most accurate results, connect your device directly to your modem using an Ethernet cable. This avoids any Wi-Fi interference.
  3. Close Background Applications:Make sure no other devices or applications are using the Internet during the test.
  4. Run the Test: Open the speed test tool and click the button to start. The test will usually take less than a minute.
  5. Review the Results: Check your download, upload, and latency results. Compare these with the speeds promised in your plan.

Interpreting Your Results

  • Download Speed:If your download speed is slower than expected, check if multiple devices are using the Internet. You might also need to upgrade your router or modem.
  • Upload Speed: If your upload speed is consistently low, it could be due to network congestion or issues with your setup.
  • Latency:High latency can be caused by your distance from the server or network congestion. It’s important for activities like gaming and video calls to have low latency.

Tips for Getting the Best Internet Performance

  1. Upgrade Your Equipment: Make sure you have a modern router that supports high speeds.
  2. Optimize Your Wi-Fi: Place your router in a central location and away from obstructions. Use a Wi-Fi extender if needed.
  3. Limit Bandwidth Usage: Ensure no unnecessary devices are using up your bandwidth. Schedule large downloads or updates for off-peak times.
  4. Regular Maintenance: Restart your router periodically and keep your network’s firmware up to date.


Understanding and regularly using Internet speed tests can help you make the most of your fiber Internet connection. By keeping an eye on your speeds, you can ensure you’re getting the lightning-fast performance you need for all your online activities, whether it's streaming, gaming, or working from home. With speeds up to 8 Gbps, our fiber Internet is designed to keep you connected at the speed of light. So, take a moment to run a speed test and see how our service is delivering the best Internet experience possible or how we can help deliver exceptional Internet service to your home.