Culture & Programs

Our business is structured around our Pavlov's Core Values. We encourage every team member to think about:

  • Be the Solution
  • Respect
  • Integrity
  • Communication
  • Keep it Safe
We value our BRICK core values in everything we do.

Workplace Inclusion Network (WIN) As part our Core Values, Pavlov employees are invited to experience the dynamic environment of the Workplace Inclusion Network (W.I.N.), where our commitment to diversity and inclusion creates a thriving community. We focus on building workplaces where every individual is appreciated and encouraged to bring their unique perspectives to the table. Our network provides essential resources, training, and support to help develop inclusive practices that foster innovation and success. Be part of our mission to transform workplaces into spaces where all voices are heard and valued, and where everyone has the opportunity to excel.

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Please see our message from Cory Douglas, CEO of Pavlov Media.

CEO Message:
Our organization is dedicated to building an inclusive workplace where everyone is appreciated and respected for their unique qualities. We aim to create an environment where each employee can be their authentic selves, unlocking their full potential to contribute to our business goals. Our vision is to foster innovation and productivity, delivering top-notch products and services to our customers, and we recognize that diversity is crucial for this success. Our core values actively promote our W.I.N. initiative. As we embrace collaboration and value differences, we move closer to realizing a genuinely inclusive community

Cory Douglas, CEO, Pavlov Media