Cyber Safety Tips to Protect Your Kids Online
Children’s lives are constantly consumed by the age of technology, leaving many parents with the worry about the dangers that the Internet can pose to their children. Some common Internet concerns are about harmful content, online/cyberbullying, online predators, Internet addiction and limited genuine in-person interaction. With the tips below, parents can worry less about the dangers of the Internet.
Online Safety for Your Children
One of the first things you should do to address some of these worries is to have an open and honest conversation with your children. Within this open dialogue, you may learn some of your children’s interests, what apps they use and what websites they visit. This will help you to start a new routine for your household, keeping everyone in your family safer from the dangers of the Internet. If you need some ideas on how to help create these new routines for your household, read: How to Develop Healthy Technology Routines This School Year | Pavlov Media. These healthy technology routines can help you set boundaries, create a schedule and set up other activities, such as in-person events for your whole family. It may also help open a line of communication for future dialogue between you and your child to talk about when and if they experience any issues online.
Tech Tips for Kids: Easy Fixes & Solutions
Some other additional protection you can implement into your home is parental controls, such as apps, that help to show you the usage on your children’s devices, which apps they are using, or even when they download a new one. These apps can also help to monitor some of the usages of their Internet activities. Another option is to set up children’s accounts; some apps, such as Snapchat, will allow you to create a child account directly linked to your parent account. This type of account will let you know certain information, such as if your child receives a new friend request or who they talk to the most. These children-type accounts don’t show you their exact conversations for Snapchat, but they will help manage the individuals who friend or talk to them. Doing this may help eliminate some of the fears of online strangers and certain bullies on the Internet.
Another safety factor that some parent implement in their homes and the use of parental controls and locks. This might be something as simple as a sign-off code to download new apps for the app store or a phone shut-off with a predetermined time. All of these different elements should be discussed in your open dialogue and explained so that your children can explore the Internet safely while also taking away some of the worries from the parents.
Protection Against the Outside World
Along with many of the dangers of the Internet, most parents don’t even think about the fact that some individuals may try to steal information from the Internet cables. To help prevent this, you should invest in the security of your home network. Fiber Internet is known to be more secure when compared to other Internet service providers and can help protect all of your family’s personal information. As a parent, you might be asking how fiber Internet protects your information rather than other Internet service providers. Fiber Internet uses glass cables that will break rather than give your personal information to individuals who may try to steal it from the cable, resulting in better data protection for your family.
Another safety measure that fiber Internet has added is protection against the natural elements. Weather can be a force that makes your home lose its Internet, although with fiber Internet cables being buried underground, you won’t have to worry about any unpredictable events from Mother Nature. In addition to storms, sometimes extreme weather causes tree limbs to fall and damage network infrastructure. When this happens, even during installation, fiber cables will bend around the fallen objects without damaging the cables, delaying your installation or slowing down your home Internet.
Invest in the Security of Fiber Internet
As technology advances, parents will have to face many different types of situations involving the Internet in both positive and negative ways. Right now, you can invest in a secure, reliable home network to help protect your family’s information. Pavlov Media wants to help families keep their private information within their households and take away some of the worries many parents face with their children’s online activities. With fiber Internet, you can rely on us to have a fast, reliable and secure network at any time of day. If you do experience any issues, Pavlov Media’s 24/7 customer service team is ready to help!
Check to see if your area is ready for an upgrade to secure fiber Internet: Home solutions | Pavlov Media